Thailand is a country that boasts a booming tourism industry, ever year millions of tourists flock to Thailand in search of both business and pleasure. In most instances, it is always pleasure.
Since Thailand is a country where the luxuries of life are very affordable, there is an avid nightlife and club culture on the bloom here. Drinking is also legal in Thailand if you are an adult.
The lure of cheap thrill is very attractive to young tourists, and unfortunately, often they get in serious trouble, with either the law or an individual.
The major cause of road accidents and vehicular death is driving while drunk. In Thailand, the permissible limit of alcohol is 1/2 grams of alcohol per 1 liter of blood.
For drivers who have held their license for less then five years, the legal limit is 0.2 grams per liter of blood. If you get caught driving over the legal limit, you would be heavily fined and may even be imprisoned depended on the magnitude of the accident.
The Thai government is doing all that it can to effectively clamp down on drunk driving, installing breath testing check posts at various highways throughout the country and giving the police a bit more liberty when it comes to dealing with people who are found guilty of the charge.
On Thailand's roads, on average 8.5 people are killed from every fifteen thousand and this has amounted the death to 25,000 annually in a typical year.
During the national holidays and festivals, the number of drunken driving incidents is at an all time high reach to as many as eight hundred deaths a day.
Thailand lawyers are very experienced since they are hired everyday by foreigners and nationals alike for the same charge. So let us say in a perfectly well scenario you visit Thailand on a pleasure trip with friends, go to a club, get drunk and then for the sake of achieving the thrill you get out on the road in your friends car and push the accelerator to the limit.
Worse case scenario is that you die in a fatal accident, but if fortunately that did not happen and you got away with minor or no injuries at all, just be calm because there is nothing you can do to undone the incident.
Even though you are drunk, try to think clearly, ask your friends if they know any good Thai lawyers and your very first task should be to call the Thailand lawyers firm and get a decent lawyer down at the scene of the accident as soon as possible to deal with the authorities.
Either until the lawyer shows up, do not misbehave with the police or any other person involved. Just make sure that everyone in the vehicles is all right and that no one is facing fatal injuries.
Thai lawyers know the DUI laws inside out and they are bound to find a loop hole to get you to go Scot free, and since these laws are changing rapidly even without notice at times, it’s best to call a lawyer to guide you through the process.
Sure, the lawyer is going to charge you healthy fees, but trust me its better then spending time in a Thailand jail sharing your cell with twenty odd people and having wardens who are not privy to the term “Human rights” at all!
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