A B-2 visa is a visa for visitor who tend to visit The United states for pleasure is defined as an alien who has a residence in a foreign country, which he or she has no intention of abandoning, and who is coming to the United States temporarily for pleasure. The statute also states that the alien cannot be coming to the United States primarily for the purpose of studying. This does not, however, prohibit the alien from engaging in brief or incidental study. The State Department defines pleasure as any legitimate activity of a recreational character, including amusement, tourism, visits with friends or relatives, medical treatment, rest, and activities of a fraternal, social, or service nature. However, the B-2 visa precludes any type of employment whatsoever, even if the alien receives no remuneration, benefit, or gain for the service rendered. Since the alien's stay in the United States must be temporary, there must be a clear intention to depart prior to the end of the authorized period of stay. In addition, the B-2 alien must show that he or she has sufficient funds to accomplish the purposes of the stay in the US.
The B-2 visa, which is issued by a US consul abroad, like the B-1 visa( visiting for business purpose ), may be issued for varying periods of time, and may be issued for single or multiple entries. Again, this must be distinguished from the period of time that is granted by the US immigration service once the alien makes application for entry at a United States border point. The Tourist Visa issued by the US Embassy Thailand can be valid for up to 10 years.
Lite Package Service:
USD 360
Our service includes:
- Unlimited hours consultation with professional lawyer for visa filling and visa application. (with 2 hours minimum).
- No additional legal service hour charge.
- All visa application forms filled by our professional staff.
- Legal Assistant's attendance with our clients to The US Embassy, Bangkok or its agency.
- Fast process guaranteed.